E e isto / This is it

Acabamos de voltar de jantar com a Vivi e Tim e terminamos de organizar os últimos detalhes. A foto mostra a nossa bagagem, somente 21 kg no total em 3 malas.

Fizemos nossa pesagem antes de sair: Rafa: 81 kg / 178 libras

E estamos mais do que prontos para pegar a estrada!


We’ve just returned from a dinner with Vivi and Tim and finished to organize the last bits. The picture shows all our luggage, only 21 kg in 3 suitcases.

We also did our weight before leaving: Raf: 81 kg / 178 pounds.

And we’re more than ready to hit the road!

2 thoughts on “E e isto / This is it

  1. Sarah

    Have a great trip! Sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk to you in person yesterday. Looking forward to following your progress over the next two months.

    1. Liliane Post author

      No worries Sarah. For sure we will have lot’s to chat when I come back. So far, great trip.

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